Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Charles Rasmussen, M.A.Edu.

Alamosa Public Schools
Evans Elementary School

Spring 2009

To Whom It May Concern:

It has been my pleasure to supervise student teacher William Allen during the 2008/2009 school year. Initially, Mr. Allen was assigned by my principal to observe in my classroom for is senior year "Sr. Block" requirements. He quickly recognized those students needing remedial help and began to take on more and more responsibility in helping me meet the needs of a large class. As such, I specifically made a request to Adams State College Department of Education that he be assigned as my student teacher for Spring Semester. I've never done this before, but recognized quickly that he is highly qualified to teach students with difficult needs as well as those that are advantaged.

William has an impeccable work ethic. He never missed school. He had lesson plans completed two weeks ahead of time the entire semester. He works well with staff. He is easy to work with, has a pleasant personality and fun sense of humor. He gets along extremely well with students. He conducted the most recent Parent Teacher Conference by himself, with my watching from a distance. He relates well to parents. His ability to utilize technology in his teaching is second to none. His knowledge base of all academic areas is completely solid. He's well seasoned in the Core Knowledge Series curriculum and he understands how Bloom's Taxonomy is to be used to aid greater student understanding and application.

In addition to all of these most remarkable strengths, know that his integrity and moral character are his greatest assets. He understands well. better than most veteran teachers in fact, what is appropriate and what is not. Never does he cross lines. His character is simply flawless, reflective of his self discipline learned in military service and leadership as well as being reared in a home where integrity and the work ethic were embedded.

I have taught, coached, and been an administrator during my 25 years in public education. During that time I have supervised seventeen student teachers. Mr. Allen tops the list as to who I would give my highest recommendation. Your school would be greatly enriched and most fortunate by including him as part of your staff.

K. Charles Rasmussen, M.A.Edu.

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