Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Richard A. Goddard, Ph.D., Archaeologist

September 5, 2008

To Whom It May Concern:

I have been acquainted with William Allen for more than a year through Adams State College. I have been his professor during all of that time. He has taken two of my regular classes and, most recently, has been a student in my archaeology field school. Throughout all of this, he has consistently been an excellent, hard-working student, but it has been through the archaeology field school that I have come to know him best. This class consisted of six weeks of intense field training where the students lived on the site for the entire course. Thus, in addition to his academic performance, I was able to observe William's work ethic as well as his social skills.

William demonstrated maturity, a serious attitude about his work, leadership, and excellent social skill working with a diverse group of students. Students in the field school were evaluated by the entire field school staff, which consisted of five individuals in addition to myself. All members of the staff gave him the highest marks.

Throughout my career, I have had a close association with the field of education at all levels. I have no doubt that William will be and outstanding educator.

Richard A. Goddard. Ph.D.

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